Customer experience vital for business success and survival
In recent years, customer experience has become one of the key factors for a company’s success. More companies in Vietnam have realised the importance of customer experience to the survival of their business and therefore, put the customer at the heart of their strategy. Although few large companies have taken drastic actions to improve their customer experience, Vietnam is still way behind other countries in terms of customer experience awareness, activities and practices.
KPMG’s Customer Experience Excellence (CEE) report identifies leading performing brands and industries in terms of providing exceptional experiences from the consumer's point of view. 2020 is the first year the report is conducted for the Vietnamese market, surveying over 86 brands with over 1,000 Vietnamese consumers. The report utilises six pillars of experience to explain how companies have navigated their business, strategies and activities toward customer experience excellence. High performing Customer experience leading companies scored high across the six pillars:
• Integrity, acting ethically and demonstrably in the customers’ best interests
• Resolution, focusing on proactively addressing customer problems
• Accurately setting customer Expectations
• Reducing the Time and Effort customers need to expend by enabling friction-less digital and, where possible, physical interactions
• Delivering a Personalized experience with
• Empathy and compassion
In this report, we go beyond the rankings and explore some of the influencing factors that shape customer experience performance in Vietnam, key considerations for brands to enhance their customer experience as well as a clear direction for companies to take to transform into customer-centric company and rise as a customer experience (CX) leader.
Reviewing the findings of our Customer Experience Excellence (CEE) report that will help you decide how to reshape the approach to customer experience in the new reality, and beyond.
For more information on the 2020 KPMG Customer Experience Excellence report - Vietnam summary, please access the EN and VI reports below.
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