Tran Thi Thuy Ha

Partner, Global Transfer Pricing Services

KPMG in Vietnam

Ha has been with KPMG for 16 years, including with KPMG in Australia, Sydney Global Transfer Pricing Services group under an international assignment.

Ha has advised a wide range of multinationals from Australia, Europe, the US, and Asia Pacific region in diverse industries including consumer/industrial goods, media and entertainment, financial services, electronics, forwarding and logistics, and information technology, on tax, customs, and transfer pricing compliance and planning, and inbound investment.

Ha’s sector experience includes transfer pricing, trade & customs, and international tax.

Ha was the Engagement Partner of several dozens of transfer pricing and customs audit and dispute resolution engagements where many of the cases were resolved successfully either in the audit or appellation.  She was initiated to speak to the central and provincial tax authorities on international best practice of transfer pricing audits and local practical issues.

Ha was directly involved in consultation with the General Department of Taxation and Ministry of Finance in relation to the Decree 20/2017/ND-CP and Decree 132/2020/ND-CP on Transfer Pricing, and Circular 45/2021/TT-BTC on Advance Pricing Agreement, including the consideration of practical issues in local transfer pricing audits of multinational corporations operating in Vietnam.


  • Global transfer pricing services 
  • International Tax
  • Value chain management
  • Trade & Customs