All countries – Taxation of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
All countries – Taxation of Cross-Border M&A's
Information on Taxation of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions.
- Argentina (PDF 231 KB)
- Australia (PDF 267 KB)
- Austria (PDF 1.8 MB)
- Belgium (PDF 270 KB)
- Bosnia & Herzegovina (PDF 210 KB)
- Brazil (PDF 601 KB)
- Canada (PDF 319 KB)
- China (PDF 285 KB)
- Colombia (PDF 1.8 MB)
- Costa Rica (PDF 214 KB)
- Croatia (PDF 257 KB)
- Cyprus (PDF 239 KB)
- Czech Republic (PDF 255 KB)
- Denmark (PDF 276 KB)
- Finland (PDF 247 KB)
- France (PDF 348 KB)
- Germany (PDF 321 KB)
- Greece (PDF 271 KB)
- Hong Kong (PDF 247 KB)
- Hungary (PDF 249 KB)
- Iceland (PDF 226 KB)
- India (PDF 267 KB)
- Indonesia (PDF 938 KB)
- Ireland (PDF 269 KB)
- Italy (PDF 256 KB)
- Japan (PDF 254 KB)
- Jersey, Channel Islands (PDF 303 KB)
- Korea (PDF 256 KB)
- Kuwait (PDF 204 KB)
- Luxembourg (PDF 289 KB)
- Malaysia (PDF 236 KB)
- Malta (PDF 236 KB)
- Mexico (PDF 242 KB)
- Netherlands (PDF 272 KB)
- New Zealand (PDF 261 KB)
- Norway (PDF 613 KB)
- Oman (PDF 232 KB)
- Panama (PDF 208 KB)
- Philippines (PDF 240 KB)
- Poland (PDF 272 KB)
- Portugal (PDF 250 KB)
- Romania (PDF 237 KB)
- Russia (PDF 265 KB)
- Saudi Arabia (PDF 220 KB)
- Singapore (PDF 258 KB)
- Slovakia (PDF 245 KB)
- Slovenia (PDF 243 KB)
- South Africa (PDF 264 KB)
- Spain (PDF 262 KB)
- Sweden (PDF 242 KB)
- Switzerland (PDF 347 KB)
- Thailand (PDF 248 KB)
- Turkey (PDF 253 KB)
- Ukraine (PDF 265 KB)
- United Arab Emirates (PDF 186 KB)
- United Kingdom (PDF 272 KB)
- United States (PDF 625 KB)
- Uruguay (PDF 213 KB)
- Venezuela (PDF 240 KB)
- Vietnam (PDF 310 KB)
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