Proposed exemptions would apply even to supplies that create a GST liability for the supplier or electronic distribution platform
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) proposed certain exemptions from the sharing economy reporting regime (SERR) for online platforms—which is broadly aligned with the OECD’s Model Reporting Rules for Digital Platforms and the EU’s DAC7.
Under the SERR, short-term accommodation, taxi travel, and ride-sourcing transactions have been reportable since July 2023. From July 2024, reporting obligations are expanding to include long-term accommodation, shared spaces, services, and intangible assets such as eBooks, apps, games, software, videos or podcasts.
The ATO released a draft legislative instrument (Taxation Administration (Reporting Exemptions for Electronic Distribution Platform Operators) Determination 2024 (LI 2024/D1)) which contains proposed reporting exemptions for:
The proposed exemptions would apply even to supplies that create a goods and services tax (GST) liability for the supplier or electronic distribution platform (EDP), and thus may create potentially differing reporting obligations from those otherwise required for GST purposes.
Jaqueline Hardwick |
Catherine Ommundson |