Other provisions in U.S. tax law—tax accounting, compensation and benefits
KPMG report: Other provisions in U.S. tax law
Taxpayers should be aware of important—but sometimes overshadowed—domestic provisions changed by tax reform.
The U.S. tax law—Pub. L. No. 115-97—included a number of “headliner” provisions. However, there are quite a few other provisions of which taxpayers should at least be aware. Among them, changes to the tax treatment of government grants, like-kind exchanges, specified liability losses, small business provisions and employee benefits. Although these provisions do not have the sweeping breadth of some others, they can be equally important for those taxpayers to whom they do apply
Read an April 2019 report [PDF 111 KB] prepared by KPMG LLP: What’s News in Tax: In Case You Missed It: “Other” Provisions of the TCJA that discusses some of the “other” provisions in the income tax and accounting and employee compensation and benefits areas.
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