Venture Pulse Q3 2016

Venture Pulse Q3 2016

Quarterly global report on VC trends published jointly by KPMG International and CB Insights.


Quarterly funding to VC-backed companies had hovered between $27B and $28B since the low in Q4’15, but saw a further decline to $24.1B in Q3'16. That’s the lowest quarterly funding total since Q3’14. However, there are positive signs that the market is becoming more stable, including renewed interest in IPO exits during the quarter. With the US interest rates expected to rise in Q4 and the outcome of the US presidential election to be decided shortly, the VC market may have reached a critical turning point. Given the high degree of liquidity and a growing sense of positivity taking hold among companies and investors, the VC market is poised to make a rebound – if not in Q4’16, then headed into the new year.

The following infographics provide a global and regional overview of these findings and other key developments uncovered from the report created by KPMG and CB Insights.

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