Eponine Hsieh holds a Master’s degree in Accounting of Business Administration, National Chengchi University and has more than 22 years of working experience specializing in providing consultation services to the local companies in adopting IFRSs, IFRS 17 and IFRS 9, providing financial consulting services and Enterprise Risk Management etc. She provides audit and tax services to banking and insurance companies and serving KPMG international clients. She has also involved in the examination of implementation of internal audit and internal control system, and other IFRSs assessment, design and implementation. She acts as an advisor on various insurance research projects delegated by Insurance Bureau and Taiwan Insurance Institute.
Eponine is an instructor in the Taiwan Insurance Institution and Financial Service Clients for years. She is the Member of Taiwan Insurance Institute in actuarial, research development actuarial and accounting Task Force, the Member of Taiwan Insurance Institute IFRS 17 Task Force (Taiwan TRG Group and Regulation Group).
Master of Business Administration – Accounting of National Cheng-chi University
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, National Taiwan University
R.O.C. Certified Public Accountant