Ethan Chen


KPMG in Taiwan

Ethan Chen is a Partner of KPMG Taiwan. He has over 20 years of auditing and consulting experience in the financial services, green energy sector and other industries. The main services that he provides include attestation of financial statements, filing and certification of corporate income tax return, assessing and reviewing financial institutions’ internal control projects which includes financial management and accounting systems, IFRS conversion consulting and FATCA implementation consulting, etc. He is familiar with the relevant policies and regulations and the latest accounting audit issues. During the service process, we also actively maintain smooth communication with the competent authority, the companies’ board of directors and management and provide high-quality services.


Regarding IFRS conversion consulting, Ethan has been responsible for IFRS 17, IFRS 9 implementation, and first adoption of IFRSs projects. He also participated in the IFRS 17 research project of the Insurance Bureau, and published articles in the Accounting Research Monthly. In addition, he served as a member of the IFRS 17 task force (Taiwan TRG Group and Regulation Group) of the Taiwan Insurance Institute.


Ethan provides in-house training to the staff of KPMG Taiwan. He also often serves as a part-time lecturer at Taiwan Insurance Institute and Taipei Foundation of Finance and other units. He has also provided training for corporate employees many times and shared his knowledge in the courses.


Professional Service Experience

  • Audit and attestation related service - Provide financial statement audit, banking internal control system audit, and corporate income tax return certifications
  • Advisory services - Provide advisory services related to accounting, internal control, and tax of financial industry
  • Establishing accounting system template of Financial Industry
  • IFRS 17 Implementation Projects and related training
  • IFRS 9 Implementation Projects
  • IFRS Conversion Projects
  • FATCA Implementation Projects
  • Master’s Degree in Accounting, Chinese Culture University

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting, Fu Jen Catholic University

  • R.O.C. Certified Public Accountant

  • R.O.C. Certified Business Valuator (CABIAV)