Consumer executive survey 2015
Global Consumer Executive Top of Mind Survey 2015
Based on a survey of 539 consumer industry executives the Consumer Executive TOM Survey 2015 reveals their priorities.
Based on a survey of 539 consumer industry executives the Consumer Executive Top of...
The goal is to grow, the question is how?
KPMG’s recent survey of 539 senior consumer executives revealed that this year’s top priority—across consumer businesses of all types, sizes and in all geographies—is clearly on expansion and top line growth.
The issue – and the focus of this year’s Top of Mind report – is on the hard-edged choices consumer organizations need to address in order gain the advantage they need to achieve their growth goals.
To stand still is to fall behind, provides insight into the strategies that thesurvey respondents plan to use to achieve top line growth, as well as insight into some potential areas of concern. The report touches on six levers—classified as either drivers, enablers or potential derailers—that are likely to exert the most influence on a company’s ability to grow revenues in the coming years.
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