The changing nature of business has created new opportunities, but also new risks and potential threats. This includes increasing sophistication of fraud, organized crime and terrorism, more complex legislation and regulations, dependencies on unfamiliar business partners, more sophisticated supply and distribution channels etc. KPMG Forensic professionals use accounting, investigation, intelligence, technology, economics and deep industry skills alongside consistent global methodologies to help reduce reputational risk and commercial loss, and to improve the value obtained from existing contracts.

How we can help

KPMG's forensic services experts use accounting, investigative methods, technology, economic knowledge and industry-specific skills along with global methodologies to help clients reduce the impact of fraud on the overall functioning of the affected organization.

KPMG Forensic offers robust, practical advice, helping our firms' clients deal with:

  • fraud, misconduct and corruption investigations;
  • tracing funds, assets, companies and individuals;
  • commercial disputes;
  • regulatory compliance;
  • managing risk on buying or selling a business;
  • intellectual property and contract governance;
  • preventing and detecting fraud or financial crime.

We can also deploy technology tools to help clients deal effectively with large amounts of data and documentation, to manage and disclose important material or highlight fraud, outliers, weaknesses and business opportunities from within corporate data.

How you will benefit from our cooperation

Organizations that effectively monitor and swiftly respond to potentially damaging situations are better placed to deal with them quickly and successfully, while reducing adverse financial, reputational or operational impact.

Should you wish more information on how we can help your business or to arrange a meeting for personal presentation of our services, please contact us.