In the current issue of Tax & Legal News we would like to draw your attention to the following highlights:
What brings amendment to the Slovak VAT Act?
The National Council of the Slovak Republic approved the amendment to the Slovak VAT Act. The amendment introduces temporary decrease of VAT rate (from 20% to 10 %) for transportation of passengers by cable cars and ski lifts, entrance to sports facilities for sporting purposes and to artificial swimming pools and for restaurant and catering services.
Changes introduced by the amendment to the Income Tax Act from 2023 and 2024 from corporate income tax point of view
The National Council of the Slovak Republic approved amendment to Act No. 595/2003 Coll. on Income Tax, which brings several changes especially in area of transfer pricing and efforts against aggressive tax planning
What does the changes of the Slovak Income Tax Act mean for individuals as of 1 January 2023?
The National Council of the Slovak Republic approved the amendment to the Slovak Income Tax Act (SITA). Two major changes of the SITA amendment concern the requirements and amount of the tax bonus for children and changes in the taxation of bonds.
Employers: new meal allowance amounts are in effect, beware of a new Analytical evidence of employees’ data
Decree of the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic increases the amounts of meal allowances. The amounts of meal allowances are amended for the third time during this year and are applicable as of 1 January 2023.
Overview of the 10 most important changes to the Labour Code in 2022
The Labour Code, as the basic labour law regulation, was amended up to six times in 2022. The adopted amendments reflect the transposition of European directives or the need to solve application problems arising from earlier legislation.
Amendment to the Act on Accounting introduces the new report on income tax information
The amendment to the Act on Accounting reflects the transposition of Directive (EU) 2021/2101 as regards disclosure of income tax information and introduces obligation for selected accounting entities to make a report on income tax information.
Is output VAT due on retail vouchers given to employees under an employee award scheme
The Court of Justice of the EU dealt with a question on whether a supply of retail vouchers to its employees, as part of a programme set up by that company, intended to recognize and reward the most deserving and high-performing employees represents a supply of services for consideration subject to VAT.
Transparency of data on ultimate beneficial owners VS respect of private and family life
The CJEU has dealt with the question whether data on ultimate beneficial owners should be accessible to anyone among the general public.