In the current issue of Tax & Legal News we would like to draw your attention to the following highlights:
Top three changes brought by draft amendment to the Slovak VAT Act
The Slovak Ministry of Finance introduced a draft amendment to the Slovak VAT Act bringing three major changes. The amendment should be effective from 1 January 2023. Discover the top three proposed changes.
EU Directive DAC7 in Slovak legislation
We provide you an overview of the new reporting obligations for digital platform operators arising from the EU Directive DAC7. The information should help tax authorities to ensure fair taxation of income in digital area.
Changes ahead for meal and travel allowances
The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic released a draft decree on the increase the amounts of meal and travel allowances. This is the result of statistics on the continuing rise in food prices and travel related costs, which are taken into account during the meal allowance calculation.
Do not forget to file the income tax returns
The deadline for filing the income tax returns with extended deadline up to three months and paying the respective tax is 30 June 2022.
Parliament approves draft measures called "Kilečko 2"
In December 2021, we informed you about a proposal for measures called "Kilečko 2", the purpose of which was to support business development and simplify processes to improve the business environment. Originally, the effective date of these measures was proposed as of 1 May 2022.