In the current issue of Tax & Legal News we would like to draw your attention to the following highlights:
Overview of selected legislation amendments in connection with the situation in Ukraine
In response to the current situation in Ukraine, the Slovak Parliament has adopted amendments selected legislation, that should facilitate the arrival and operation of refugees from Ukraine in Slovakia. We provide you with an overview of the most relevant changes in connection with employment, insurance and legal residence in Slovakia.
Latest updates to EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions
The Council of the EU discussed at its February meeting the so-called „blacklist“ update, which regularly assess the current state of play regarding cooperation in the tax area. Following this latest revision, ten new jurisdictions have been added to the so-called „greylist“. Countries considered as non-cooperating for tax purposes have failed to implement necessary measures and thus remain unchanged on the blacklist.
Up-to-date information for Ukrainian citizens on entry, stay and employment in Slovakia
With respect to the current situation in Ukraine, we are providing the most recent updates for Ukrainian nationals on how to proceed when arriving to Slovakia.
Overview of changes to immigration procedures
We have prepared an overview of the current measures on immigration, which are being introduced at the global level in response of the conflict in Ukraine. The aim of these rapid changes is to facilitate the entry of Ukrainian citizens and to help them with settlement.
Do not forget to file the income tax returns
Please do not forget that the deadline for filing the income tax returns and paying the respective tax is 31 March 2022.
The statutory deadline may be extended up to three calendar months by filing of the respective announcement with the Tax Authorities and up to six calendar months if the taxpayer declares the foreign sourced income.