Property Lending Barometer 2018

Property Lending Barometer 2018

Quantifying the appetite for real estate lending activity in markets across Europe is not an easy task, but KPMG's Property Lending Barometer 2018 has done it once again.

Property Lending Barometer 2018

The latest 9th annual edition of the publication by KPMG's Real Estate practice measures the sentiment for bank financing in the real estate sector across Europe, compiling responses from nearly 70 banks in 14 countries across Europe.

This year's Barometer delves into issues like how banks see the present and future for impaired real estate loans, revealing a trend of increasingly compliant loan portfolios for banks in Central & Eastern Europe.

It also offers nuggets of insight into how open lenders are to financing real estate projects in that region and further afield: residential is the preferred area for lenders in established markets like the Netherlands, Austria or Ireland, while most in CEE have indicated their preference for the office segment.

In addition to offering market-specific country profiles that include insight and analysis from KPMG specialists across the continent, Property Lending Barometer 2018 reviews the ranged of existing lending parameters for financing new real estate projects, including the banks’ asset class preferences, criteria for financing and the differences between new development and income-generating properties, among others.

This year's edition reports an overall increased focus on property lending and sustained activity for 2018, a continuation of the positive growth in finance that has been seen in the last 4 years.

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