We are currently living in an economic and social environment that is conducive to fraud due to inflation and the rising cost of living, increasing interest rates, hiring freezes and slowing career progression, as well as growing pressure to maintain a certain level of sales and profits.
A whistleblower line can help protect your assets
Did you know that 42% of frauds were detected through members of the organization, which is nearly 3x as many cases as the next most common method?
Source: Report to the Nations 2022, ACFE
As a result, companies that have whistleblower lines detect fraud more quickly and may incur fewer losses than organizations with no such service. A whistleblower line can help protect your assets and your company's reputation, among other things.
Personalized, anonymous and confidential
KPMG's whistleblower lines are designed to increase your organization's effectiveness in detecting fraud, corruption and other unethical acts by providing your employees with an anonymous and confidential means of communication so that they feel free to share their observations. Whistleblowing is the most common way to expose fraud, which is why having an anonymous and confidential whistleblower line is so important. Our integrated management platform makes it easy to track whistleblower reports, regardless of the mechanism used by your employees.
What are the benefits of having a whistleblower line?
Irregularities are flagged quickly
Hotline acts as a deterrent for ill-intentioned individuals by encouraging ethical behaviour at all levels
Upward communication is encouraged
When you choose KPMG’s whistleblower service, you are working with an external party who will ensure that confidentiality and anonymity are protected
This limits reputational risk and disciplinary action in the event of legislative and regulatory non-compliance in areas where you are operating
- Fraud and corruption, including theft, financial manipulation and other forms of misconduct
- Conflicts of interest
- Questionable practices of clients and suppliers
- Misuse and misappropriation of assets and
- Contraband and distribution of illicit substances.
- Workplace harassment
- Discrimination
- Occupational health and safety compensation abuse
- Illegal wage practices or working conditions
- Environmental offences and
- False representations
- Unauthorized access or use of confidential information
- Data and information systems security
Integrated management platform
At KPMG we offer three whistleblowing mechanisms according to your needs and in keeping with industry best practices for preventing and detecting fraud, corruption and other ethical violations.
Potential benefits of KPMG’s whistleblower lines
Our ethics line services include a comprehensive, bilingual (English and French) solution that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. These services can be provided in other languages worldwide if required.
Confidential and anonymous process
The whistleblower’s experience is important to us. Therefore, our solution allows your organization's designated officials to communicate in a confidential and anonymous manner with the whistleblower. The users can also follow the progress of their whistleblower's report online and file documents when necessary.
We provide an integrated, secure and easy-to-use platform that consolidates all whistleblower reports received, regardless of the mechanism used. This platform allows for the extraction of various types of reports on demand, which facilitates accountability to those responsible for the governance of your organization.
What are the benefits of the KPMG’s integrated management platform?
- You are immediately notified by email when an irregularity is reported
- Allows you to choose, depending on the type of case being reported, who can receive the report, either a KPMG representative or a designated representative from your organization
- You can contact the person who provided the tip anonymously and confidentially
- Platform is ISO 27001 certified
- All files, information received, and communications are saved in a secure environment that is protected and readily available to your company
- KPMG representatives or persons designated by your company can quickly produce reports and access the files via this web platform
What are KPMG's strengths in the area of whistleblower lines?
Our personalized approach and our comprehensive care of the situation
Our professionals have extensive experience with current laws and policies, so they are able to analyze reports and ask the right questions.
A whistleblower line managed by an independent firm like KPMG can provide integrity and impartiality.
Our professionals become familiar with your business, products and services, values, culture and code of ethics to better communicate with whistleblower line users.
KPMG's other forensic accounting services are also at your disposal, if necessary (e.g., data analytics, traditional and technological investigations, training, etc.).
Although vital for good governance, a whistleblower line can only be effective if employees, agents, suppliers and other parties trust that the process will remain confidential and have no fear of reprisals. When KPMG manages your whistleblower line, you are assured of professionalism—but also integrity
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