In a year of upheaval caused by geopolitical tensions, the ongoing pandemic and an uncertain economic climate, energy CEOs face challenges and opportunities amidst the sector’s ongoing transformation.

As part of our 2022 CEO Outlook, we surveyed 138 energy CEOs in the oil & gas, power & utilities and renewable energy spaces, gathering their insights and perspectives into the business and economic landscapes over the next 3 years.

This report offers a lens into what today’s energy CEOs are doing to plan for economic disruption as the sector continues transitioning to a low carbon economy.


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Building and sustaining resilience: The 2022 Energy CEO Outlook

Energy leaders focused on the recession and political and technological risks.

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87 %

Believe there will be a recession in the next 12 months

75 %

Think a recession would upend anticipated growth over the next 3 years

59 %

Say an anticipated recession will be mild and short

87 %

Say they plan to put more capital into purchasing new technology

71 %

Think those who worked in offices pre-pandemic will be back in the office regularly in 3 years’ time

66 %

Have committed to allocating more than 6 percent of revenue to make their organization more sustainable

About KPMG’s CEO Outlook

The 8th edition of KPMG CEO Outlook, conducted with 1,325 CEOs between 12 July and 24 August 2022, provides unique insight into the mindset, strategies and planning tactics of CEOs not only comparable to pre-pandemic to today, but also from KPMG’s CEO Pulse Survey conducted with 500 CEOs between 12 January and 9 February 2022, before the Russian government's invasion of Ukraine.

All respondents have annual revenues over US$500M and a third of the companies surveyed have more than US$10B in annual revenue. The survey included leaders from 11 markets (Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK and US) and 11 key industry sectors (asset management, automotive, banking, consumer and retail, energy, infrastructure, insurance, life sciences, manufacturing, technology, and telecommunications).

NOTE: some figures may not add up to 100 percent due to rounding.

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