Corporate M&A Working Group Overview

Corporate M&A Working Group Overview

The Corporate M&A Working Group is your partner for complex international projects. We add value at each phase of your cross-border transaction through an integrated approach to M&A and our international network.


Today’s business is no longer just regional – it is international or even global. New fast growing markets, free trade agreements and cross-border business opportunities make traditional borders less visible. Mergers, acquisitions and intercompany structuring have highly increased and become significantly more complex.

Buying a new business abroad is not as manageable as it is in a national home market. Before a closing of a cross-border merger – as often heard on the business news – a structured process needs to be followed. And, with a global workforce and attractive business locations, the relocation of companies often is considered a possible future strategy.

Download our Global Corporate M&A Working Group brochure.

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