Facing pricing pressures, patent expirations and rising R&D costs, life sciences CEOs expect slower growth over the next 3 years. Based on research from KPMG, this article finds that sector CEOs are exploring opportunities to boost their trajectory using new technologies such as generative AI – supported by a stronger digital foundation. At the same time, appetite for M&A remains strong with many CEOs saying they will make strategic deals when markets stabilise.

As pricing pressures mount and the cost of delivering novel medicines increases, life sciences CEOs are dealing with a growing list of complex challenges. Yet there are also significant opportunities on the horizon – AI, precision medicine, digitalisation and more. The big question is whether life sciences organisations are prepared to take advantage.

To find out, we surveyed 118 life sciences CEOs globally to ask them about the risks and challenges they face, their expectations for the next three years and the opportunities driving their businesses forward. Here are the key highlights that emerged:

  • The majority of life sciences CEOs expect anemic growth over the next three years. 56 percent say they expect to achieve growth of less than 2.5 percent per annum. Pricing pressures and patent expirations are likely influencing expectations, along with a recognition that the high cost of promising new gene therapies and other precision medicines may limit adoption in certain markets.


  • Life sciences CEOs are worried about supply chain disruption and trade regulation. Supply chain disruption emerged as the top risk as ranked by life sciences CEOs. And more than three quarters expect trade regulation to have a major impact on their organisation within the next three years. Life sciences CEOs are increasingly worried about supply chain concentration risks as geopolitical tension rises.
  • They are looking to AI and emerging technologies to improve profitability and agility. 62 percent of life sciences CEOs say that generative AI is a top investment priority for their organisation, with profitability improvements cited as the top benefit. Yet 53 percent say they are worried about the ethical considerations of the new technology.


  • Future growth will be driven by digitalisation and connectivity across the business. Life sciences CEOs say they will be placing more capital investment into new technologies versus developing workforce capabilities. M&A will continue to be a major factor, but CEOs would like to see market conditions stabilise and the cost of financing fall.
  • Public trust remains a key priority and CEOs are seeking to improve their capabilities. Life sciences organisations have a long history of investing into health, social and community programmes. Yet just 70 percent are confident they have the right reporting capabilities and only 67 percent say that ESG has been fully embedded into the business as a means of value creation.

About the survey

The Life Sciences CEO Outlook is based on data from the KPMG 2023 CEO Outlook. CEOs from 118 life sciences organisations were surveyed. 54 percent represented pharmaceutical companies and 67 percent reported revenues of US$1 billion or more. 36 percent were headquartered in the US, 10 percent in Japan and China, 9 percent in India, 8 percent in Germany and the remainder – 26 percent – in the rest of the world.

A deeper dive into the findings

  • CEOs are worried they might not outpace the market. 80 percent of life sciences CEOs are confident in the industry’s growth prospects. But just 69 percent say they are confident in their own company’s growth prospects.

  • Growth will be anemic. 56 percent expect growth of 2.5 percent or less per annum. Our respondents say that pricing pressures, patent expirations and R&D costs and challenges are top reasons for lower growth expectations.

  • CEOs are worried about a range of risks. But supply chain disruption was ranked as the top risk. With significant concerns about supply chain concentration risks, life sciences CEOs are concerned about any disruption to their operations.

  • After regulatory demands, CEOs are most worried about the impact of trade regulation. Geopolitical conflicts, trade regulation and inflationary pressures ranked as three of the top five risks worrying life sciences CEOs. 
  • Advanced digitalisation and connectivity are top growth priorities for life sciences CEOs. More than half (53 percent) say they will be placing more capital investment into buying new technology in 2023.

  • Generative AI emerged as a top investment priority for 62 percent of life sciences CEOs. But 46 percent say it will take between 3 to 5 years to see a return on the investment from generative AI. In particular, they are worried about new ethical challenges and heightened cyber concerns.

  • While appetite for M&A remains high, CEOs would like to see market conditions stabilise. They are more concerned about macroeconomic conditions than they are about finding appropriate targets and integrating them. 
  • Life sciences CEOs are keen to keep investing in public trust. 92 percent say they plan to invest into social and community programmes to fulfil their CSR goals, build their reputation and brand image, engage employees and mitigate risk.

  • Reporting capabilities can improve. Just 70 percent of respondents said they have the capability and capacity to meet new reporting standards. As regulators and stakeholders seek greater transparency and disclosure from companies, this will become increasingly important.

  • ESG must be linked to business value. Two-thirds said they have fully embedded ESG into their business as a means of value creation. Yet they also see big challenges dealing with the complexity of decarbonising their supply chains.

  • CEOs think ESG will give them an advantage. The top two benefits of meeting stakeholder ESG expectations were cited as improved cost of finance and competitive advantage. Less of a concern is customer and employee engagement. 

Navigating complex business challenges

KPMG in Singapore have deep experience in helping life sciences companies respond to challenges such as delivering better and lasting financial results for stakeholders, leveraging technology to help increase competitive advantage, and unlocking the power of ESG to transform businesses and build a more sustainable future. Contact us to learn more about how KPMG professionals can help address your organisation’s current and future challenges.

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