Chances are your company is already undergoing transformation.
Look around.
Chances are your organisation has multiple change programmes underway. And why wouldn't it amid rapid changes in the markets and ways of doing business?
Companies across industries are evolving their internal functions and go-to-market processes. These change programmes require significant resources, expertise, and leadership commitment — and are a fundamental part of the top leadership agenda.
In our CEO Outlook 2022 report, 69% of global CEOs and almost half of Singapore CEOs surveyed believe that rapid digital transformation will be critical to attracting and retaining talent and customers. The survey also found that businesses are shifting their attention to digital adoption, engagement and change management to empower their people with skills in a changed world.
These capabilities are key to successfully managing continuous transformation:
- Tracking value throughout the programme, and not just at the end
- Building roadmaps to turn a clear vision into quick, measurable outcomes
- Orchestrating multiple massive projects with clear leadership
- Managing the people experience to avoid transformation burnout and boost job satisfaction and growth
They bring clarity and capacity to support ongoing transformation. They deal with different aspects of the challenge, but have a common theme: more collaboration, innovation and partnership. To truly succeed, you will need a cultural shift. One that encourages teamwork and new ways of working across your organisation.
Read our paper to uncover hidden challenges, ways to address them and opportunities to drive value in your transformation journey.
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