The new normal of global business services: digital disruptors drive an "as-a-service" capability
The new normal of global business services
Digital disruptors drive an "as-a-service" capability
Today’s enterprises are moving to a higher level of value and performance for the delivery of their business services.
They are still looking for traditional shared services and outsourcing objectives of reducing costs and maintaining service quality and control, but now they need to get more out of their business services organizations by focusing on more comprehensive business value rather than just efficiency.
Forward-thinking business services organizations are responding to the demands of their customers by taking on the attributes of an “as-a-service” economy they have grown accustomed to in their everyday lives.
Four digital disruptors are driving how organizations are transitioning to an “as-a-service” model. The impact of these disruptors is just beginning to be felt and will continue to drive significant change in service delivery over the next five years.
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