Finding growth opportunities in Europe’s insurance markets

Growth Strategy - Success Story 1

Identifying fresh opportunities: Helping a European insurer recognize new growth opportunities in an untapped market.

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A European insurance company with strong market share in the life and pensions business was seeking to drive substantial growth and diversify by using their strong brand to enter non-life insurance markets across the continent.

KPMG’s Global Strategy Group had delivered a similar exercise for the client across the life and pensions market, and the client asked for support to assess the market opportunity for the non-life landscape.

  • Drawing on our proprietary insurance forecasting tools, deep local market insights and growth strategy methodologies, KPMG professionals identified a number of strategic growth platforms for the client.
  • The platforms were assessed and prioritized by assessing the relative growth, profitability, competitive intensity, regulatory framework, distribution landscape, evolving customer needs and macroeconomic environment of the markets and their alignment with the client’s existing portfolio.
  • KPMG firms developed a business case, business model and a future operating model for the client to enable them to effectively pursue and realize the opportunities.

The client emerged with a clear appreciation of where the market opportunities were, along with ideas to capture them. The client was quickly able to discount non-strategic opportunities and focus on growth platforms in five specific countries, forecasted to collectively provide an annual revenue uplift of between €50–70 million by 2020.

KPMG’s work helped the client target its future investments with a roadmap for change, while creating stakeholder alignment around the company’s strategic bets to help them realize their ambitious growth targets.



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