As the world of international taxation enters a new era with Pillar Two, we are at the frontiers of change.
The Singapore Ministry of Finance's draft legislation for the Multinational Top-up Tax (MTT) and Domestic Top-up Tax (DTT), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) latest Administrative Guidance (AG) on the Global Anti-Base Erosion Model Rules (GloBE Rules), Belgium's pioneering registration requirement for in-scope Multinational Enterprise (MNE) Groups, and the Subject-To-Tax-Rule (STTR) Multilateral Instrument signing ceremony all mark significant milestones in this journey.
Join us in an engaging in-person session as we explore the intricacies of these developments and share insights from the successes and challenges faced by MNE Groups across various sectors with practical insights that can help you in your implementation process.
Event highlights
Topic |
Key points |
Singapore Draft MTT and DTT Legislation |
OECD’s fourth AG for GloBE Rules |
Belgium Pillar Two Registration |
Treaty-based STTR |
Transitional Country-by-Country Reporting Safe Harbour (TCSH) |
This is a pivotal moment for all in-scope entities to learn, adapt, and prepare for the transformative impact of Pillar Two on the global tax landscape.
Admission to this event is complimentary; but early registration is highly recommended to secure your spot. There will also be an opportunity to network with other tax professionals.
Please indicate your availability by clicking on the registration button. If you are unable to join us, feel free to extend this invitation to other members of your organisation.
We look forward to welcoming you at the event.
Thursday, 22 August 2024
9.30 am - 10.00 am
(Registration and breakfast)
10.00 am - 12.00 pm
KPMG Clubhouse
Asia Square Tower 2, Level 15
12 Marina View
Singapore 018961