KPMG in Singapore, in collaboration with Clyde & Co Clasis Singapore and Singapore Corporate Counsel Association (SCCA), is pleased to invite you to join us at our upcoming complimentary event on Investment Treaty Arbitration and Cross Border Investigations, followed by networking over drinks and canapés.

Our team of experts will discuss:

The Investment Arbitration Regime: Challenges and Opportunities

  • Brief history: from a depoliticised system to a (European) contested area
  • The nuts-and-bolts: a quick guide of what you need to know
  • BITs, FTAs and other IIAs
  • The emergence of Singapore as a seat and the leadership role of Asian States
  • Case study: opportunities for Singaporean investors – claims for AT1 bondholders

Due Diligence, Investigations and ISDS: Quest for Legitimacy

  • ESG and ISDS
  • Investigations in the context of ISDS
  • Forensic experts and quantum issues

Please indicate your availability by clicking the registration button below. If you are unable to join us, feel free to extend this invitation to other members of your organisation.

We look forward to welcoming and engaging with you at the event.

By clicking on the below Register now button, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your data by the Singapore Corporate Counsel Association ("SCCA") as set out in the SCCA registration page.

Additionally, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your data by KPMG Services Pte. Ltd. and other member firms of KPMG global network and/or any of its or their third party service provider, whether within or outside of Singapore for the purposes of the registration and delivery of the event, to send additional information pertaining to this event and other KPMG related marketing and promotional purposes in accordance with KPMG's privacy statement.

Thursday, 15 August 2024

4.30 pm - 5.00 pm

5.00 pm - 6.15 pm
(Panel Discussion)

6.15 pm - 7.30 pm

Clyde & Co Clasis Singapore
12 Marina Boulevard, #30-03
Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3
Singapore 018982

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