The operating environment of the world we live in has changed drastically over the past 20 years because of technology. Fraud and misconduct schemes have evolved drastically in tandem with this change.

To combat these ever evolving fraud and misconduct schemes effectively and efficiently, we need to re-imagine how we conduct our investigation and re-imaging the tools used for it.

KPMG in Singapore and Microsoft would like to invite you to a sharing session to help you assess how technology can be deployed in a way that reduces your overall investigation costs, increases the effectiveness of your investigation procedures and drives the productivity of your investigators.

In this webinar, we will share how Microsoft and KPMG in Singapore will work together to develop a next-gen investigation platform tailored to the requirements of its Forensic team to drive maximum effectiveness and efficiency of its investigation projects going forward:

  • How Microsoft is empowering governments in fraud and corruption fight with Anti-Corruption Technology and Solutions (ACTS);
  • How KPMG in Singapore is planning to drive investigation effectiveness and efficiency on our next-gen investigation platform;
  • Demonstration on KPMG in Singapore's investigation platform, enhanced by Microsoft MINTED (Multi INTelligence Enabled Discovery)
    - latest Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning to provide Automated Enrichment, Alerting & Tradecraft for large digital datasets;
  • Our recent successes in the detection of fraud and financial crimes.

This webinar is complimentary, although early registration is recommended. Please indicate your availability to attend this webinar by clicking on the registration button above. If you are unable to join, please extend this invitation to other members of your organisation.

We look forward to welcoming you to this insightful webinar.

Tuesday, 21 March 2023

3.00pm - 4:00pm

1 hours


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