CIO Survey är världens största studie inom IT-ledarskap och tar sedan 22 år pulsen på vilka frågor som driver IT-ledare och organisationer världen över. Undersökningen genomförs av KPMG och Harvey Nash varje år och omfattar över 4 200 IT-ledare i 83 länder.

2020 är året världen plötsligt förändrades. Företag och privatliv tvingades ställa om och digitaliseras på dagar och veckor – något som har höjt kraven på teknik och satt press på IT-ledare världen över. Årets CIO Survey berättar hur IT-organisationer har påverkats av den globala pandemin och beskriver de utmaningar IT-ledare ser i det nya normala. 

Now in its 22nd year, the Harvey Nash / KPMG CIO Survey 2020 is the largest IT leadership survey in the world, with over 4,200 responses from CIOs and technology executives across 83 countries.This year’s report references both pre-COVID-19 findings as well as during COVID-19 responses. Together they give us a unique insight into the before, during, and continuing aftermath of the pandemic.There is no doubting the pandemic’s dramatic effect on almost every aspect of business and life. The pandemic exposed a growing digital divide, shifted some priorities, and amplified many of the challenges that the IT organization faced prior to COVID-19. However, fundamentals also remain, such as the top two priorities for boards: 1) improving operational efficiency; and 2) improving customer engagement – both long-standing priorities of the technology leader.Some entered the pandemic better positioned to pivot and scale into new opportunities. In our special report IT in the New Reality (PDF 109.8 KB), we share four models of economic recovery patterns. While recovery will be unique to each sector, country, and company – common to all is the urgency to act decisively. Key findings from the survey include:•Additional IT budget – Global IT leaders reported a median additional spend of 5 percent of IT budget to deal with the COVID-19 crisis.•Increased cyber-security threats – more than four in ten (41 percent) of organizations have experienced increased incidents mainly from spear phishing and malware attacks.•Skill shortages, even in a pandemic – for the first time in this survey’s history, cyber-security expertise has become the most in-demand skill set, especially in the cloud and data security space.•A massive surge in remote working – 43 percent of our respondents have moved their workforce to remote working, and one quarter of technology leaders expect over half their staff to remain working predominantly from home.•Technology investments – al

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Undersökningens resultat i korthet:

  • Utökad IT-budget – Globala IT-ledare angav att IT-budgeten har utökats med cirka 5 % för att hantera pandemin.
  • Ökning av cyberhot – 2 av 5 (41 %) organisationer har upplevt en ökning av cyberattacker i form av främst ”spear phising” och ”malware” så som virus och trojaner.
  • Fortsatt kompetensbrist – För första gången i undersökningens historia är cybersäkerhetskompetens den mest eftersökta expertisen, särskilt inom molnsektorn.
  • Markant ökning av distansarbete globalt – Hela 86 % av respondenterna angav att personalen numera arbetar på distans, och 43 % tror att hälften av arbetsstyrkan kommer att till största delen jobba hemifrån framöver.
  • Investeringar i teknik – Omkring hälften (47 %) anser att pandemin har påskyndat digital transformation och införandet av ny teknik.
  • Psykisk hälsa på agendan – 84 % av alla IT-ledare är oroliga över avdelningens psykiska hälsa som en följd av pandemin, och 58 % har en plan för att stötta sin personal i frågan. Svenska IT-ledare sticker ut med 60 % som är oroliga, men endast 27 % har en strategi för att stötta sin personal.
  • IT-ledare upplever att de har fått större inflytande – Fler än 6 av 10 respondenter upplever att deras inflytande inom organisationen har ökat i pandemins spår. Däremot har antalet IT-ledare som har tagit plats i bolagsstyrelser minskat från 71 % 2017 till 61 % i år.
  • Mångfald främjar produktivitet – Fler än 2 av 3 upplever att mångfald stärker förtroendet och samarbetet inom IT-teamet. 

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Everything changed. Or did it?

Now in its 22nd year, the Harvey Nash / KPMG CIO Survey 2020 is the largest IT leadership survey in the world, with over 4,200 responses from CIOs and technology executives across 83 countries.This year’s report references both pre-COVID-19 findings as well as during COVID-19 responses. Together they give us a unique insight into the before, during, and continuing aftermath of the pandemic.There is no doubting the pandemic’s dramatic effect on almost every aspect of business and life. The pandemic exposed a growing digital divide, shifted some priorities, and amplified many of the challenges that the IT organization faced prior to COVID-19. However, fundamentals also remain, such as the top two priorities for boards: 1) improving operational efficiency; and 2) improving customer engagement – both long-standing priorities of the technology leader.Some entered the pandemic better positioned to pivot and scale into new opportunities. In our special report IT in the New Reality (PDF 109.8 KB), we share four models of economic recovery patterns. While recovery will be unique to each sector, country, and company – common to all is the urgency to act decisively. Key findings from the survey include:•Additional IT budget – Global IT leaders reported a median additional spend of 5 percent of IT budget to deal with the COVID-19 crisis.•Increased cyber-security threats – more than four in ten (41 percent) of organizations have experienced increased incidents mainly from spear phishing and malware attacks.•Skill shortages, even in a pandemic – for the first time in this survey’s history, cyber-security expertise has become the most in-demand skill set, especially in the cloud and data security space.•A massive surge in remote working – 43 percent of our respondents have moved their workforce to remote working, and one quarter of technology leaders expect over half their staff to remain working predominantly from home.•Technology investments – al

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Therese Fajerson, Head of CIO Advisory, KPMG Sverige,, +46 76 877 11 80.

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