The Dubai Customs Authority announced, through a press release, that an 80% discount is granted on fines applicable to customs cases and violations detected or committed before
31 March 2020.

This announcement is based on Customs Notice No. 07/2020.

In a step destined to reduce the burden on businesses amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Dubai Customs Authority issued the scope of implementation of this initiative, which applies to:

  • Uncollected customs fines imposed by judicial decision;
  • Customs fines that have been paid in installments to Dubai Customs, where reduction will apply to the remaining installments, which will be rescheduled; and
  • Cases under execution at Dubai courts, which will benefit from the applicable fine reduction on the remaining payable amounts.

To benefit from the fine reductions, businesses and individuals must settle their customs cases and pay any charges due, including customs duties, before 31 December 2021.

For more information on this topic or to learn more about KPMG’s Trade & Customs Services, kindly contact the Middle East Trade & Customs team. 

Get in Touch

Middle East Trade and Customs Contacts

Wadih Abu Nasr

Head of Tax, Saudi Levant Cluster


Stuart Ciocarelli

Head of Tax, Lower Gulf


Pascal Cange

Director, Trade & Customs Leader, Middle East


Nick Soverall

Senior Director, Head of Indirect Tax, Saudi Levant Cluster


Rhys Penning

Partner, Indirect Tax, Lower Gulf
