The Paradox of Primary Care

The Paradox of Primary Care

How Saudi Arabia can leapfrog world-class primary care systems

Doctor and child smiling

In "The Paradox of Primary Care: How Saudi Arabia can leapfrog world-class primary care systems" our newest healthcare report, we reviewed the main challenges and opportunities in the current healthcare transformation in the Kingdom. Based on a global case study on healthcare systems around the world, we came up with four design principles to improve primary care in Saudi Arabia.

The research identified an almost universal ‘paradox’ between the critical strategic role assigned to the primary care system and its relative lack of investment, importance or influence. Leaders in healthcare see primary care as key to the transformation they want to make across the healthcare system but at the same time don’t allow it to have enough capacity to achieve this.

In Saudi Arabia the healthcare sector is undergoing a huge transformation as part of Vision 2030 which aims to strengthen primary care as a key vehicle for better access and affordability.

In this report, you will find an extensive review of the global practices of primary care and how we envision the transformation to be successful. We also found that, more than any other healthcare service, improvements in primary care need to be locally designed and led. Thus, properly stewarded, the transformation program will create an opportunity to build a unique new way of delivering primary care, fit for the 21st century and the local assets and needs of the Kingdom.

Download the report in English here.

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