Nove okolnosti - nova pitanja

Nove okolnosti - nova pitanja

Odluka o privremenoj zabrani izvoza osnovnih proizvoda bitnih za stanovništvo / Decision on Temporary Prohibition Against Export of Basic Products


Vlada republike Srbije je 10. aprila 2020. godine donela Odluku o privremenoj zabrani izvoza osnovnih proizvoda bitnih za stanovništvo, kojom je stavljena van snage Odluka o privremenoj zabrani izvoza osnovnih proizvoda bitnih za stanovništvo doneta 14. marta 2020. godine.

Iz liste proizvoda čiji je izvoz zabranjen izuzeti su suncokretovo ulje i kvasac.

Listi proizvoda čiji izvoz nije dozvoljen dodati su pelene za odrasle i plastične rukavice, odeća i pribor. Izvoz merkantilnog kukuruza je ograničen izvoznom kvotom od 400 00 t.

Pregled proizvoda čiji izvoz nije dozvoljen, dat je u sledećoj tabeli.

Tarifna oznaka

Trgovački naziv




1. Odluka o privremenoj zabrani izvoza osnovnih proizvoda bitnih za stanovništvo („Sl. glasnik RS“, br. 54/20), važi 30 dana (od 13. aprila do 13. maja 2020)

2. Zabrana se ne odnosi na robu koja je kupljena u inostranstvu i otprema u inostranstvo (reeksport)

1005 90 00 00

Merkantilni kukuruz

Izvozna kvota 400 000 t

1206 00 99 00

Seme suncokreta u ljusci


1512 11 91 00

Ulje suncokretovo, sirovo


1703 90 00 00

Melasa od šećerne repe


3401 11 00 00

3401 20 90 00

3401 30 00 00


Ex – osim vlažnih maramica za bebe iz tarifne oznake 3401 11 00 00



3402 90 90 00


Ex – osim toaletnih

kuglica i tableta za mašinsko pranje sudova


3926 20 00 00

Rukavice (i odeća i pribor za odeću) od plastičnih masa


9619 00 81 00

9619 00 89 10

Pelene za decu i odrasle


4818 20 10 00



4818 20 91 00

4818 20 99 00

Ubrusi (u rolni i na komad)


6307 90 98 00

Maske, plastične sa tekstilnim filterom


6307 90 92 00

Prekrivke, tekstilne za hiruršku upotrebu


4818 50 00 00

Odelo hirurško od papira


4818 90 10 00

4818 90 90 00

Maske papirne


4015 90 00 00

Odelo zaštitno, gumeno


4015 11 00 00

4015 19 00 00

Rukavice, gumene hirurške I ostale


6210 10 92 00

Odelo hirurško tekstilno


2828 90 00 00

Varikina i ostali dezinfektanti


3808 94 10 00

3808 94 20 00

3808 94 90 00

3402 12 00 00




2207 10 00 00

2207 20 00 00

2208 90 91 00

2208 90 99 00



9004 90 10 00

Naočare, zaštitne



KPMG tim


On April 10, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted the new Decision on Temporary Prohibition Against Export of Basic Products of Importance for the Population replacing the Decision on Temporary Prohibition Against Exports of Basic Products of Importance for the Population, adopted on March 14, 2020.

The sunflower oil and baker’s yeast have been excluded from the list of products prohibited for export.

In addition, napkins for adults and plastic gloves, apparel and accessories are added to the list of products prohibited for export.
The export of mercantile maize is limited within the export quota of 400 000 t.

An overview of measures limiting exports is provided in the following table.

Tariff line





1. Decision on Temporary Prohibition Against Exports of Basic Products of Importance for the Population (“Off. Gazette of RS", no. 54/20), effective for 30 days (from April 13, 2020 till May 13, 2020)

2. The prohibition does not relate to goods purchased abroad and intended for abroad (re-export)

1005 90 00 00

Maize, mercantile

Export quota 400 000 t

1206 00 99 00

Sunflower seeds, shelled


1512 11 91 00

Sunflower-seed oil, crude


1703 90 00 00

Molasses from sugar beet


3401 11 00 00

3401 20 90 00

3401 30 00 00


Ex – baby wipes from tariff line 3401 11 00 00



3402 90 90 00

Washing preparations and cleaning preparations

Ex – toilet bowl cleaner

and dishwasher tablets


3926 20 00 00

Gloves (and apparel and accessories), plastic


9619 00 81 00

9619 00 89 10

Napkins for babies and for adults


4818 20 10 00

Handkerchiefs and cleansing or facial tissues


4818 20 91 00

4818 20 99 00

Paper towels (in rolls or single sheet)


6307 90 98 00

Masks, plastic with textile filter


6307 90 92 00

Drapes, textile for surgical use


4818 50 00 00

Disposable paper surgical apparel


4818 90 10 00

4818 90 90 00

Paper masks


4015 90 00 00

Protective rubber apparel


4015 11 00 00

4015 19 00 00

Rubber gloves, surgical and others


6210 10 92 00

Textile surgical garments


2828 90 00 00

Hypochlorites and other disinfectants


3808 94 10 00

3808 94 20 00

3808 94 90 00

3402 12 00 00




2207 10 00 00

2207 20 00 00

2208 90 91 00

2208 90 99 00

Alcohol solution


9004 90 10 00

Protective spectacles and goggles




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