Immigration and Movement During State of Emergency in Serbia

Immigration and Movement During State of Emergency in S

Please find below some of the most important measures that have been taken so far:

On 24 March 2020 the Government of Serbia adopted the Decision on the status of foreign nationals in the Republic of Serbia during a state of emergency (the Decision). The Decision regulates that foreign nationals who were legally residing in Serbia on the day of introduction of the state of emergency on 15 March 2020 on the basis of grounds prescribed by the Law on Foreigners (work in Serbia, family reunification, etc) may lawfully reside in Serbia, as long as the state of emergency is in force, without the obligation to initiate processes for further determination of their status.
This means that no misdemeanor proceedings will be initiated due to expiry of residence permits during state of emergency.
Police for Foreigners and National Bureau for Employment which are in charge for obtaining temporary residence and work permits, are closed until further notice.
  • The borders are closed for travelers as of 20 March 2020. 
  • Cargo traffic is permitted and is conducted without interruptions with slight delays on certain border crossings. 
  • International air passenger traffic is suspended, as well as intercity bus and train transport within Serbia until further notice. Furthermore, city public transport has been suspended (except taxis and specially introduced bus lines).
  • Government introduced a curfew to halt the spread of the coronavirus. The ban applies to all citizens from 5 pm to 5 am. No one can be in the streets, except officers on duty (police, army and similar) or workers with special permits.
  • Schools, kindergartens and faculties. 
  • A ban on indoor gatherings with more than 5 people is active.

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