Global Automotive Executive Survey 2017
In every industry there is a ‘next’.
KPMG’s Global Automotive Executive Survey is an annual assessment of the current state and future prospects of the worldwide automotive industry.
The KPMG Global Automotive Executive Survey is an annual assessment of the current...
The car itself will not be the main source of profit in the future! This is demonstrated by the results of the latest Global Automotive Executive Survey 2017. But how will traditional automotive manufacturers earn their money in the future? With the customers, their data or with the digital ecosystem? Who would have thought, that already today 85% of the executives agree that the digital ecosystem will generate higher revenues than the hardware of the car itself?
To get further information on how the executives expect the future of mobility to be, please read the key messages of the survey.
In its 18th consecutive year, the Global Automotive Executive Survey is KPMG International’s annual assessment of the current state and future prospects of the worldwide automotive industry. In this year’s survey, almost 1000 senior executives from the world’s leading automotive companies were interviewed, including automakers, suppliers, dealers, financial services providers, rental companies, mobility services providers and companies from the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. Additionally, more than 2400 consumers from around the world have been surveyed to give us their valuable perspective and compare their opinion against the opinion of the world’s leading auto executives.
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