KPMG in Romania appoints new partners
KPMG in Romania appoints new partners
KPMG in Romania announces the promotion of four new Partners in Audit, Tax, and Legal with effect from 1 October 2018. The new partners bring a wealth of knowledge and experience across our functions and will continue to ensure that we are the Clear Choice for our clients, whom we can help to succeed in an increasingly digitalized and complex business world.
Andreea Vasilescu, Audit Partner, has been with KPMG in Romania for 16 years, and has broad experience in managing audits of large Romanian companies, as well as international groups operating in Romania. She has coordinated audit engagements mainly for the energy and utilities sector, as well as in other sectors such as retail, transportation and industrial products. She also has experience in capital markets transactions, and has participated as an auditor in listing companies on the Bucharest and London stock exchanges. Andreea has a CIA and a CGAP certification, and is a member of ACCA and CAFR.
Laura Toncescu, Partner Legal Services, has over 20 years of experience in legal services, of which more than half have been mainly dedicated to the financial services (FS) sector. Laura has been involved in recent years in numerous transactions with an aggregate value of over EUR 3 Bil. She has led innovative legal projects such as: the first authorisation of an investment fund as controlling shareholder in a Romanian bank on the basis of EU rules, the first merger between a bank and a non-banking financial institution, as well as authorisation of payment institutions and online lending providers. Laura also assists listed entities with stock option plans and in operations on the stock market and she has been involved in complex cross-border transactions and reorganisation projects. Over the past year she has been involved in several digitalisation projects for companies from various industries and she led several projects on ensuring GDPR compliance.
Dragoș Doros, Tax Partner, has over 23 years’ experience in tax consultancy, mainly in the private sector, but he has also served as President of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) and Director of the Department of Legislation and Direct Taxation within the Ministry of Public Finance. Since joining KPMG he has been instrumental in building the leading Tax Consulting practice in Romania. He has worked with clients from numerous sectors and industries, using his detailed knowledge of legislation and of Romania’s fiscal administration.
Alin Negrescu, Tax Partner, has more than 13 years of experience in tax advisory services and currently leads the Indirect tax practice in Romania. He has managed numerous projects including tax reviews, business restructuring, and assistance provided during tax audits carried out by the authorities to clients from various business sectors including financial services, retail, automotive and real estate. He regularly delivers specialised training courses to companies and he is a speaker at various business events. For several years, Alin has been working closely with the International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD), the world’s foremost authority on cross-border taxation, providing updates on Romanian fiscal legislation. He is actively involved in efforts by investors’ organisations (Amcham, FIC etc.) to modernise the Romanian fiscal environment. Alin holds prestigious international professional qualifications (ACCA and ADIT).
As Ramona Jurubiță, Country Managing Partner at KPMG in Romania from 1 October 2018, comments: “It’s a great pleasure to welcome our four colleagues to the Partnership. We have a firm with extraordinary growth potential, built on a foundation that we're proud of and on which we will continue to develop a remarkable firm. I trust in our team's ambition to make a difference, enhance our place on the consultancy market and consolidate our position as the Clear Choice for clients.”
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