KPMG is the leading deal maker in Romania and globally

KPMG is the leading deal maker in Romania and globally

KPMG has been recognized as the leading global mid-market provider of M&A services among the Big 4 and M&A boutique firms by both Thomson Reuters and Bloomberg in 2016.


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KPMG in Romania


Thomson Reuters’ Mid-Market M&A Review ranks KPMG as the leader in the M&A sector in 2016 for announced and completed deals up to USD $500M, with 432 deals. Moreover, KPMG maintained its leadership position in the European Involvement Mid-Market Rankings with 321 deals, and Eastern Europe Involvement Mid-Market Rankings with 33 deals.

Bloomberg M&A Advisory League Tables also position KPMG as the leader in the Global Mid-Market (up to USD $50M) with 245 deals and USD $1.2B in deal value, based on announced total values. In the Global Private Equity Mid-Market Rankings, KPMG holds the first place for deals up to USD $50M, with 81 deals worth USD $378M in deal value. 

In Romania, KPMG Deal Advisory remains the leading deal maker based on number of transactions completed, according to the 2016 DealWatch M&A League Board. The 10 deals completed in 2016 include companies from a wide range of industries such as: energy, telecommunications, real estate, manufacturing and on-line. 

Bogdan Văduva, KPMG Deal Advisory Partner, Head of M&A in Romania, states: “We are proud that KPMG is being recognized as a leader in the M&A field, both locally and globally. This recognition reflects how working together across all platforms to deliver coordinated high-quality services helps clients adapt promptly to the challenges and needs brought by the increasingly intricate market environment. We will continue to offer high quality service to our clients, as there are good signs that the M&A sector in Europe is gaining further momentum”.

KPMG in Romania has an outstanding record of creating value through transactions, developing an integrated approach to delivering high quality, complex services to organizations, including corporate finance, valuation and due diligence. Acknowledged as an important regional M&A center, KPMG in Romania provides tailored and industry specific services to meet increasing client needs, as well as offering direct and immediate access to decision-makers involved in potential transactions. 

Bogdan Văduva continues: “We have gained extensive experience in selling companies both to local and foreign companies in 2016. There are positive prospects for 2017 in Romania owing to the growing interest of local entrepreneurs, private equity funds and strategic players. I believe that interest in the Romanian market is increasing from an economic point of view.”  

©2024 KPMG România S.R.L., o societate cu răspundere limitată de drept român, membră a organizației globale KPMG, compusă din societăți membre independente afiliate KPMG International Limited, societate privată engleză cu raspundere limitată la garanții.  Toate drepturile rezervate.

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