The Romanian Government has made important changes to the RO e-Transport system under Emergency Ordinance no. 129, published in the Official Journal of Romania on 11 November 2024. Please find below the main changes:

  • The possibility to modify the recorded data in the RO e-Transport System related to the transportation of goods after the expiration of the UIT code validity has been introduced, under certain conditions;
  • A graduated system of penalties for repeated misconduct has been introduced for certain infringements;
  • A centralized electronic register of sanctions applied, will be set up, accessible to the responsible authorities (ANAF, Customs Authority, Police);
  • The period of suspension of the application of penalties for non-compliance by transport operators required to transfer vehicle positioning data throughout the transport monitored by RO e-Transport, to equip them with GPS devices and to provide the UIT code to drivers has been extended until 31 March 2025.

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