Vision 2020 – Dreams, Reality and Going Forward

Vision 2020 – Dreams, Reality and Going Forward

This article talks about how corporate plans set in motion years before the current pandemic are in peril. The novel coronavirus has taken a massive swing at corporations around the globe and corporate leaders are faced with hard choices that will essentially determine whether they remain relevant or not in the current market place. Consumer behavior is at a turning point and new societal norms are on the horizon.

Richard Perrin

Partner, Advisory

KPMG in Romania


What current studies do not yet unveil is the actual toll this will take on our day to day lives and how this translates into new corporate risks. We take look at the current trends and driving forces in the market and anticipate what impact this will have on existing companies that want to remain relevant in the marketplace. The conclusion of this article shows what steps corporate leaders can take in order to avert potential blows to their current position on the market.

© 2025 KPMG Tax SRL, a Romanian limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved.

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