Transfer Pricing trends in Romania

Transfer Pricing trends in Romania

For many years, transfer pricing was an area only known to a limited number of practitioners. Perceived as art, science or even magic, transfer pricing continues to be an important source of controversy between the tax authorities in various jurisdictions and multinational companies.


A whirlwind of international tax change has swept the globe in the past few years, and for tax executives in Europe, there is no end in sight. From broader requirements for tax transparency, through to more stringent transfer pricing policies to greater scrutiny of business substance, every country and every multinational company is feeling the impact.


©2025 KPMG România S.R.L., o societate cu răspundere limitată de drept român, membră a organizației globale KPMG, compusă din societăți membre independente afiliate KPMG International Limited, societate privată engleză cu raspundere limitată la garanții.  Toate drepturile rezervate.

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