New amendments to Law no. 52/2011 regarding the performance of occasional activities by day workers
New amendments to Law no. 52/2011
Law no. 132/2019 for the amendment and supplement of Law no. 52/2011 regarding the performance of occasional activities by day workers has been published in the Official Gazette no. 575 on 15 July 2019 (“Law no. 132/2019”)
The activities, provided for in the Classification of activities in the national economy, in which occasionally and not qualified work may be rendered, is extended as follows:
- research-development activities in social sciences and the humanities – 7220 class;
- growth of seedlings – growth of ornamental plants, including turf for replanting, tree care/cleaning operations, greenhouse activities, with the exception of those for forest trees –0130 class
- activities for artistic interpretation – spectacles – 9001 class, support activities for artistic interpretation – spectacles – 9002, spectacle halls management activities – 9004 class and camps for children organised by the Ministry of Youth and Sport, directly or through its subordinated units – 5520 class.
The beneficiary will be able to employ day workers for the performance of some activities for the benefit of a third-party if the beneficiary has concluded contracts for services with the third-parties and the services can be categorized as activities for which day workers can be employed.
The domain of activity in which day workers can be employed by exception for 180 days cumulative for the duration of a calendar year for the same beneficiary has been extended (e.g. fruit-growing, vegetable-growing, fruit-growing, fish-growing). The domains of activity in which day workers can perform by exception activities for more than 120 days during a calendar year, for more beneficiaries have also been extended (e.g. the above-mentioned domains, fruit-growing, vegetable-growing, flower-growing, fish-growing).
A series of provisions regarding the activity of day-workers in the field of extensive animal growing through seasonal grazing traditionally of sheep, goats or cattle in a semi-free manner have additionally been introduced. The obligation of the beneficiary to pay a 10% flat rate out of the national gross minimum wage in force at the date of payment to each day worker according to the income/person norm established in art. 139 of the law is also amongst these provisions. The electronic register of evidence of the day workers is to be drawn up monthly for the day workers which perform activities in this field.
Entry into force
Law no. 132/2019 came into force on 18 July 2019.
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