The Single Identification Number for cash registers may now be obtained through the Private Virtual Space
Single Identification Number for cash registers, online
The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) now allows retailers to use the Private Virtual Space to submit the necessary documents for the process of requesting and obtaining the Single Identification Number for electronic fiscal cash registers.
Consequently, users of electronic fiscal cash registers may submit the Request for allocation of a number from the Register of records of fiscal electronic cash registers installed in x county/Bucharest municipality or of the Single Identification Number from the informatics application of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (Form C 801) and may also receive the Certificate of allocation of a Single Identification Number for fiscal electronic cash registers via the Virtual Private Space.
Information about how to complete and send the application, as well as the documents which need to be attached, may be found in the Guide published on ANAF’s website, in the section Online Services/Fiscal electronic cash registers (cash registers) or by telephone by calling the central assistance helpline for taxpayers.
For failure to use cash registers of the type defined in Art. 3, line (2) of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 28/1999, ANAF will apply penalties to large and medium-sized taxpayers from 1 September and to small taxpayers from 1 November.
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