Clarifications relating to the 9% reduced VAT rate

Clarifications relating to the 9% reduced VAT rate

The reduced VAT rate of 9% will apply to water supply and sewerage services as well as to the supply of water for irrigation in agriculture.

Ramona Jurubiță

Country Managing Partner

KPMG in Romania


Law no. 175/2018 was published in the Official Journal of Romania on July 17 2018, amending the Fiscal Code (Law no. 227/2015). Law 175/2018 states that starting from 2019, the reduced VAT rate of 9% will apply to water supply and sewerage services as well as to the supply of water for irrigation in agriculture.

KPMG comment

Although specific legislation (Law No 241/2006) exists which regulates the water supply and sewerage service, we are looking forward to the application norms to this new Law, which should explain in detail how the reduced VAT rate will be applied.

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