Becoming the Banker of Tomorrow

Becoming the Banker of Tomorrow

Banks never had to face more concerns about the future of their workforce than they do today.


Becoming the Banker of Tomorrow

Becoming the Banker of Tomorrow

The challenge of disruptive technologies will make tomorrow’s banking workforce unrecognizable. Yet most bank leaders focus mainly on business models and technological transformation and hardly invest any time and effort in their talent strategy.

Bank leaders should consider that in this new reality in which automation and robots will do most of the repetitive work, the banker of the future will need to be flexible, purpose-driven, creative, entrepreneurial, customer-centric, cooperative and a lifelong learner. Bank leaders must realize that the future of their banks is dependent mainly on their ability to attract, retain and develop the right type of talents. This is especially relevant as banks are no longer perceived as a very appealing workplace by many talented young people nowadays.

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