Application of the system of exporters registered under the EU's Generalized Scheme of Preferences

Application of the system of exporters

Starting from 1 July 2018, the Registered Exporters System (REX) will have to be fully applied by some of the Generalized Scheme of Preference (GSP) beneficiary countries.

Ramona Jurubiță

Country Managing Partner

KPMG in Romania


Notice issued by the European Commission and addressed to importers in the European Union


In its Notice to importers concerning the application of REX in the framework of the EU GSP, published on 26 June 2018 in the Official Journal of the European Union, the European Commission informed EU businesses that the REX system will have to be applied starting from 1 July 2018, in its entirety, by the GSP beneficiary countries which have begun systematically applying REX as from 1 January 2017.


From 1 July 2018, "statements of origin" produced by registered exporters in those exporting countries or territories benefiting from GSP, or those produced by any exporter in those countries or territories, may only be used to certify the preferential origin of goods when the total value of originating goods dispatched does not exceed 6000 euros.

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