Cash registers with electronic log – postponement of application of penalties for non-compliance
Cash registers with electronic log–penalties postponed
The Romanian Government has granted retailers a grace period of three months in which the penalties set by law for failure to use electronically logged devices will not be applied. However, this does not change the mandatory requirement for the use of cash registers with an electronic journal according to current legislation.
Emergency Ordinance no. 44 (hereinafter "the Ordinance"), published in the Official Journal of Romania (no. 454 of 31 May 2018) provides a three-month postponement of penalties for retailers who have failed to comply with the requirement to introduce cash registers with an electronic log as follows:
- The penalty for failure by retailers to introduce electronic cash registers will apply to large or medium-sized taxpayers as from 1 September 2018 instead of 1 June 2018, (1 June 2018 is nevertheless still the mandatory deadline for the introduction of electronic cash registers for large and medium-sized taxpayers). For small taxpayers, the application of the penalty is suspended until 1 November 2018, postponed from 1 August. (1 August 2018 is nevertheless still the deadline for the introduction of electronic cash registers for small taxpayers).
- The penalty set out in relevant legislation for authorized dealers to dispose of their old cash registers, will apply from 1 November 2018 instead of 1 August 2018 so that, where appropriate, retailers opening new businesses or points of sale will be able to purchase a marker, and hence be able to carry out their activity.
The Ordinance also states that the extension by three months until 31 October 2018 also applies to the deadline for the validity of approvals / authorizations for the distribution of fiscal electronic cash registers, with a journal roll.
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