QuercusApp: The Application for Real-Time Feedback
QuercusApp: The Application for Real-Time Feedback
Do you want to create a high-performance culture in your organization? Do you want to provide your managers and employees with the right tools for feedback exchange? Do you want your managers to give timely feedback to help employees learn in real time, grow and drive business results?
KPMG is pleased to present QuercusApp, a cloud-based solution developed by QuercusApp Technologies, that reinvents your performance management into a continuous, forward-looking process through real-time feedback.
This user friendly app will allow managers and employees to give, receive and request valuable feedback, wherever they are and whenever they want. All through a simple click of a button.
We’d love to tell you more about it so do get in touch if you are interested in this solution. For more details, please refer to the appendix.
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