Environment Fund Obligations Declaration may now be submitted online
Environment Fund Obligations Declaration - online
The new instructions for completing and submitting the Declaration on Obligations to the Environment Fund form now allow this to be submitted in electronic format.
New instructions for completing and submitting the Declaration on Obligations to the Environment Fund form
On 7 February 2018, Order of the Minister of the Environment no. 70/2018 was published in the Official Journal of Romania no. 118, on the modification and completion of Order no. 591/2017 for the approval of the template and content of the Declaration on Obligations to the Environment Fund form and the instructions for filling it in and submitting it.
The new instructions now allow this form to be submitted electronically.
The form is available on the Environment Fund Administration website www.afm.ro. and may either be filled in online or printed out and submitted on paper.
To submit an online declaration, the taxpayer must first register on the Environment Fund Administration’s website, and agree to the transmission of its data through an electronic communications network.
There has been no change to the procedure for submitting any amending statements, which must still either be submitted in person at the Environmental Fund Administration headquarters or sent by post with confirmation of receipt.
KPMG comment
This is a step forward in the modernization of the Environment Fund Administration’s procedures, which will make compliance easier for companies which are required to submit declarations.
However, taxpayers should take care that the declaration may be submitted only once, and that if multiple copies are submitted (for example, both online and on paper) the Environmental Authority will only take into consideration the first declaration which they receive.
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