Steep rise in gross average salary, as defined in 2018 social security budget law

Steep rise in gross average salary

The gross average salary, as defined each year in the social security budget law, has been set at 4,162 lei for 2018, a 33% rise on the 2017 figure. Consequently, in 2018, all references to this indicator, mentioned in other legislation, will relate to this level.

Ramona Jurubiță

Country Managing Partner

KPMG in Romania


On 3 January 2018, Law 3/2018, on the 2018 social security budget, was published in the Official Journal of Romania (no.5). As well as setting the new level for the gross average salary in 2018, the law also covers some other issues relating to social security.

Average Salary
The gross average salary, used as the basis for the state social security budget for 2018, has been set at 4.162 lei, an increase from the 2017 value of 3,131 lei.

Pension point value
For the period 1 January - 1 July 2018, one pension point keeps its value of 1,000 lei, which was set in July 2017.

Death benefit
As a result of the change to the gross average salary, the amount of death benefit payable to relatives of the deceased will also be modified, as follows:

  • For the death of an insured person or pensioner: 4.162 lei.
  • For the death of an uninsured family member of an insured person or pensioner: 2.081 lei.

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