Romania: Advisory Newsflash - Stress testing at the world’s largest banks

Advisory Newsflash

In the wake of the global financial crisis, increased regulatory focus has necessitated significant efforts by the largest banking institutions to develop and enhance their existing stress testing capabilities. Pressure on banks to demonstrate not only financial resilience under adverse conditions, but also the robustness of controls, processes and the overarching governance framework that supports stress testing has intensified as a result. In response to this ever-increasing regulatory focus and the intense scrutiny banks are under, KPMG International conducted a survey of 19 systemically important banks (SIBs) throughout the summer of 2016. The objectives of the survey were two-fold, firstly to assess the current state of stress testing globally and secondly, to form a view on the potential future state of stress testing in the years to come.

Angela Manolache

Partner, Advisory, Head of Financial Services

KPMG in Romania

Advisory Newsflash

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