Romania: Advisory Newsflash, Monthly regulatory update

Romania: Advisory Newsflash

This month we focus on the significant revisions being made by the Basel Committee to the capital framework – notably to the calculation of credit, market and operational risk; capital floor and the revised market risk framework. The wide-ranging nature of these revisions means that they will have to be applied in the EU through substantial revisions to the CRR – and therefore in effect a CRR2. Also, we look at the second pillar of banking union, the Single Resolution Board; the ECB Regulation on the collection of granular credit and credit risk data (“AnaCredit”); and finally the KPMG Peer Bank – a new benchmarking tool for the banking sector developed by KPMG’s ECB Office looking at some of the largest banks across the European Union.

Angela Manolache

Partner, Advisory, Head of Financial Services

KPMG in Romania

Advisory Newsflash

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