Making sustainable steps
Making sustainable steps
This report on what has been an intensive year reveals that sustainability is underpinned by our business strategy.
This report reveals that sustainability is underpinned by our business strategy.
This report on what has been an intensive year reveals that sustainability is underpinned by our business strategy, and that our future efforts will be channelled towards our four strategic areas: Community, Environment, Workplace and Marketplace. We have made significant progress by enhancing our analysis of material topics to cover within the report and are committed to progressively improve our performance and reporting process, hoping that our stakeholders will support us in the years to come with their valuable insights.
We are continuing this sustainable journey hoping that our example will inspire other businesses and authorities to follow this path and work towards building a better world, governed by transparency and integrity.I hope you enjoy reading this publication, which aims to provide a comprehensive and balanced image of our sustainability performance.
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