Robert Maxim, Board Member, joined the KPMG in Romania as a result of the integration of Ensight Management Solutions into KPMG in Romania. Formerly Partner at Ensight, Robert has considerable experience of offering consultancy services to the Romanian market. During his career he has worked with clients in various industries, such as financial services, retail, energy, real-estate, healthcare and pharma. He has also developed in-depth relationships with NGOs and other actors in civil society, which he will continue to deepen, as part of KPMG’s commitment to our community. Along his professional journey, Robert has also invested himself in other successful entrepreneurial projects, such as in retail and agribusiness, gaining therefore a rich, two-fold perspective on business transformation and optimization. He also served as Board member in financial and medical institutions as well as agribusiness.

  • Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest

  • EMBA, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées
