On the 2018 private company board agenda
On the 2018 private company board agenda
Six items for private company boards to consider in their 2018 agendas as they guide the company forwards
Board agendas should continue to evolve in 2018 as the game-changing implications of technology/digital innovation, scrutiny of corporate culture, growing demands to address environmental and social issues, and investor expectations all drive a sharper focus on positioning the company for the future.
Drawing on insights from our work and interactions with directors and business leaders over the past 12 months, we have highlighted six items for private company boards to consider in their 2018 agendas – on critical challenges at hand, and on the road ahead – as they help guide the company forwards.
- Help the company keep its eye on the ball: long-term value creation
- Be particularly sensitive to risks posed by the tone at the top and culture throughout the organisation
- Focus on developing a board that is fit for purpose looking forward, recognising that diversity and independent perspectives are key
- Expect disruption to continue full-force, with technology and ‘digital’ at its core
- Learn to live with cyber risk – and continue to refine the board’s discussions about cyber risk and security
- Monitor the implementation plans and activities for major accounting changes on the horizon – particularly the new revenue recognition and financial instruments accounting standards.
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