Frontiers in Finance

Frontiers in Finance

What senior leaders are doing to deal with disruption and where they are in their transformational journey.

What senior leaders are doing to deal with disruption and where they are in their...

Digital transformation in financial services

In this edition of Frontiers in Finance we cover what senior leaders are doing to deal with disruption and where they are in their transformational journey.

We both illuminate the nature of the turbulence in which we our clients find themselves and explore strategies for successful responses. From the constant struggle with disruption and challenge; the transformation being driven by digital technology and the data revolution, the demands for greater customer centricity; and the continuing increase in the demands and constraints imposed by governments and regulators; the issues are far reaching and the solutions require a strategic approach.

We feature articles ranging from strategies for addressing fintech, to the open banking challenge and navigating geopolitics to the opportunity of cyber insurance, IFRS 17 and asset management regulation as well as customer centricity. We feature an exclusive interview with the Executive Officer and General Manager of the Corporate Data Management Division of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group on the need for a new mindset when it comes to data strategy.

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